Wednesday, 25 July 2012

INTERVIEWED | Luna Webster

    I'm proud to say I've grabbed some time from the lovely Luna Webster, known across Sound Cloud for her self written songs and unique voice, Luna agreed to tell us bout her singing career, future plans and some back ground information. I hope you enjoyed reading through this as much as I have talking to Luna. All information will be below.

Fagan x

1) When did you first realize you have a unique voice?

    Oh, well, I've always loved to sing, when I was a lot younger I was in choirs and did talent contests and things, but back then I never really thought much of it. I really wouldn’t say I have a unique voice considering the amount I have been compared to the likes of Kate Nash, Laura Marling etc, but I can hold a tune I guess, and if I can write music that people enjoy then that’s all that matters to me!

2) Do you remember the first song you'd written and what was that process like for you?

    The very very first song I wrote was ‘Im Sorry For Saying I Loved You When In Fact You Made Me Feel Sick’, and that was around October last year when I’d just come out of a really crappy relationship and I found my guitar in the attic and I thought, do you know what, I should write about that prat. So I picked up my guitar, taught myself the basic chords with a sheet I printed off my computer and just explained how I felt. It was a really, uh, whats the word, refreshing, yeah thats it, refreshing process and I still find that’s what its like when I write now. Just expressing how you feel. Its the best way for me to do that. With music.

3) If you could record with anyone who would you choose and whats your reasoning?

    Anybody who knows me can predict my answer to this really (or anybody who has seen my blog to be fair) but the horrors would be up there-I think faris’ voice is really unique and I heard how it bonded with Florence Welch’s voice at the nme awards this year and I thought wow, I would lurrrve to be her. Oh hell yeah, Florence Welch would be up there too, shes a huge inspiration to me. Really there are so many. I should probably make a big list of this really, i’d say Azealia Banks because she is a perfect princess whom I love very dearly and oh my god this is the hardest question ever because I want to sing with everybody?? Also Courtney Askey who is a total babe from Leicestershire who you should check out right now. Finally my main man Aidan who is pretty cool he plays bass and drums and everything I hate him he’s so talented.

4) You've released a lot of your own songs, are you hoping to form an album with these or keep them all as singles?

    Oooooh questions about the future hmmm in the distant future I see an album. But I don’t think it will be acoustic. I don’t want to be acoustic. I don’t want to be just another lassie with a crappy acoustic guitar and an average voice sitting singing about how I wish I were pretty and blah blah blah, I just think there is too much of that. In the next few months I’ll be getting my electric guitar and once I have that I think there is a new world of oppurtunities for me. If anything i’m looking to form a band (i sort of have a half formed one now anyway) and be a sort of horrors-y-kills-y-girl power-y kind of thing. So yes I see an album. Just not acoustic. Maybe electric, more heavy versions of the songs I have now, I don’t know.

5) You also do vintage modelling, do you see this as a possible career choice or just a hobby?

    Oh god no, hobby all the way. I mean, I have to have a reasonable amount of confidence to be able to get on a stage with a guitar by myself and sing, or even upload my songs to the internet, but by no means do I have the amount of confidence I wish I had. Like, I wish I was thinner, I wish my nose was smaller, I wish my lips were fuller, so when I see the photos of me I just think god, no, do I really look like that? And theres people sitting there going “wow, luna, you look amazing here!” when my general opinion is did I seriously look that bad that day??? So I really cannot see myself doing much more modelling in the future, I really want to focus on writing new songs right now. Although of course with modelling you get tonnes of free clothes which ultimately is a girls dream.

6) Which vintage stall/market will you always go back to for wonderful clothes and deals?

    THIS CHARMING VINTAGE!!! Ok thats cheating because that’s my business oops. Um, there are some really really fabulous places in London but obviously as I'm a Scottish gurlie I can’t really go there too often, so at the fairs we do, my favourites are Gladrags, they do some beautiful evening wear from the 40s and 50s and really I could live in it but sadly its inappropriate just for nipping down into town, so for more smart casual things I tend to shop at Vi Noveau, they have some really lovely stuff. Really though the best shops are Armstrong and Sons Edinburgh, I could buy my whole wardrobe there, its so cheap and great quality from so many decades and also RaRa in Dundee. Ebay is great too.

7) Burlesque has become a new found outlet for you, what would you say for anybody else that's interested in the business?

    Learn as much as you can about burlesque. Look up youtube videos of the best people out there, or the legends from the past. Watch Bettie Page. She is just my favourite, she has the best personality, so flirty and fun. Watch Gypsy Rose Lee because she was one of the very first great burlesque artists. Actually, check out the Burlesque Hall Of Fame’s website and just look up all of the amazing women who are in it. Of course at the moment Dita is flying the flag for all things burlesque so look her up. Im a real fangirl!

8) Lastly, is there anything exciting on the horizon for Luna Webster, maybe a new song?

    Hell yes! I’m always writing, I’m always thinking up lyrics, etc. I don’t want to do too much more acoustic stuff though like I say, i’m getting my guitar in September so when September comes stuff is going to be re-recorded, new stuff is going to be written, I have a drummer and a bassist who i’m working with at the moment to produce something a bit different to all of this acoustic. I MAY have a very exciting gig coming up in Edinburgh but I wont ruin the surprise as its only a possibility right now. May have some Dundee gigs coming up too. Finally I'm planning on doing some busking-planning being the operative word, but that should be fun!

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