Monday, 27 August 2012

Moved Back Home | Returned

    A month or so ago I made a post regarding moving blog websites, I went over to Wordpress and started almost fresh from there. With exams been happening, being off for summer, enrollment for college and being not well on and off while all this has been happening I've not been able to keep up to date with my blog at all.

    It had been going on 2 weeks since my last blog post, along with starting up my new You Tube account, which I'll link below I've been quite busy. Readjusting to the new layout and gadgets for Wordpress I was put off blogging and saw it as a task rather than something I enjoy, so I've took it upon myself to retreat back to Blogspot.

    Knowing how things work on this blogging website, I will be able to keep you all up to date with my happenings making more frequent blog posts that have a meaning behind them rather than rushing a post. I hope some of my followers are happy I've returned, as I am so thank you for waiting patiently.

Youtube Channel -

Fagan x